“I Tried Drinking Chlorophyll Water for a Week. Here’s What Happened”
It seems that everywhere you look, people are mixing deep, rich green chlorophyll into their drinking water, in order to benefit from all of its purported health benefits, which include everything from clearer skin to better digestive health, as well as ambitious promises of detoxifying our kidneys and liver and promoting natural weight loss.
For me, the idea of drinking chlorophyll for a week was to try out this health craze and discover whether it would help clear up my skin (which is not as blemish-free as I'd like) and provide digestive relief since I often have issues with my gut.
Is Chlorophyll Good for You?
For the benefits and rewards of chlorophyll, check out registered dietitian Lauren Armstrong's take on whether this new health craze is a good idea. After hearing about it from all corners, we had to try it.
If you search the hashtag #chlorophyll on TikTok, you’ll find influencers and wellness gurus all over the country using green tinctures to infuse their water with chlorophyll, and with average folks like me trying it, together, all these videos have gained millions in views.
On the surface, chlorophyll looks just like something that you'd use to tie-dye your clothes, but a closer examination reveals that a few drops of this green pigment (found in plants like spinach, kale, wheatgrass, spirulina, and parsley to name a few) is extremely potent. If you recall any of your high school biology classes, the term photosynthesis may ring a bell.
Chlorophyll is actually an important part of the photosynthesis process, acting as the primary pigment that helps plants convert the sun’s rays into energy for growth. After a quick review of my old biology text, I remembered how important – in fact, essential – chlorophyll is to plants, but I wondered what kind of actual benefit it could have on my day-to-day health.
Chlorophyll Water Health Benefits
Chlorophyll has been touted as a weight-loss secret that can also help in regulating cholesterol levels, relieving constipation, and regulating digestion, hormonal imbalances, and easing fibromyalgia and arthritis, according to MedicineNet. I was most eager for help with digestive health and clearer skin.
A friend of mine who had hopped on the trend before it took over TikTok, recommended a brand of liquid chlorophyll derived primarily from alfalfa leaves and mulberry plants, with added fresh spearmint flavor for taste.
How Much Chlorophyll Should You Take?
Chlorophyll isn't something to mess with or take more than the safe dosage according to Lauren Armstrong, RD, who warns against overdoing the recommended amount. The FDA says that adults and children over the age of 12 can safely consume 100 to 200 milligrams of chlorophyllin daily, but should not exceed 300 milligrams.
Should You Drink Chlorophyll Water at Night?
Whichever time you drink your daily chlorophyll water is up to you. You can drink chlorophyll during the morning, day, or night, and it shouldn't interfere with your sleep schedule. Drinking chlorophyll at night may be particularly beneficial after a night of drinking when you need an added boost of hydration. For many, taking it in the morning with your first meal of the day may be the easiest way to integrate it into your routine.
The moment I dripped the green drops into a glass of cold water, it became clear why this would be a TikTok sensation — it’s visually incredibly appealing, which is helpful when consuming what is essentially just a normal glass of water with some mossy aftertaste.
I have always had digestive issues and I was hoping chlorophyll would help me get more regular. As someone who needs to take fiber supplements, get daily exercise, and even take a laxative tea to stay regular, I was anticipating that the touted digestive benefits of consuming liquid chlorophyll would be helpful.
I Tried Drinking Chlorophyll Water. Here's What Happened
Day 1: I tried 15 drops of chlorophyll in my 32-ounce water bottle
I poured a tall glass of 8 oz. of water and watched as 15 drops of chlorophyll swirled around. I took a whiff of the glass and was pleasantly surprised by the refreshing, slightly minty aroma, with a hint of “pond.” The chlorophyll water went down easily and made me feel like I had just reaped all the nutrients of algae. I spent the rest of the day sipping more chlorophyll from my 32-ounce water bottle which kept me hydrated all day long.
Day 2: I add chlorophyll to my green smoothie in the morning
Along with gulping it down first thing in the morning and during the day, I thought it might make a complementary addition to my daily green smoothie. I enjoyed that my smoothie’s hue turned an even deeper green, but I realized I preferred reaping the benefits of chlorophyll undiluted.
Day 3: I decide I actually like the swampy taste of chlorophyll
Now accustomed to the ever-so-slightly swampy taste, I'm actually enjoying it. I upped my intake to 3 full droppers a day. I definitely started to experience the “detox” benefits, and the digestive health (not to get into too much detail but let's just say I was more regular, without that nerve-wracking feeling of urgency that can come with a laxative tea). My digestion and gut health were becoming more regular, making me feel lighter and more energized.
Day 4: Chlorophyll is now my new go-to drink, all day long
I jumped out of bed, feeling especially dehydrated, to gulp down a glass of chlorophyll water the size of my head. Hydrated and ready to go, I continue to sip on my earthy, slightly minty beverage throughout the day. In the evening I added some ice to my water — just to spice things up a bit.
Day 5: Chlorophyll is my gateway health elixir to eating more vegetables
Five days down! Drinking chlorophyll water consistently throughout the day made me want to make healthier choices in other areas of my life as well. For lunch, what could go better with a green drink than a green salad, filled with vegetables and leaves? Chlorophyll itself might not be aiding in weight management but all this other fiber certainly has to help!
Day 6: My afternoon cravings are suddenly something I can control
By day six, I noticed that I was more hydrated and still making healthier decisions. The afternoons have always proved to be my most troublesome time of the day when sugary or salty cravings often spike, and my head screams for caffeine. When that happens, nothing sounds better than a carb-filled treat. Before I poured the second cup of coffee and started scavenging the pantry for cookies, I took a shot of chlorophyll, along with (yet again) another tall glass of water. Replenished and rehydrated, I opted for a spread of raw vegetables and some hummus.
Day 7: My Skin is clearer but that could be due to drinking more water
My gut health was actually better than it had been in a long time. As for my skin, I started to notice a new level of smoothness, fewer blemishes, and the texture was better than usual. As nutritionists and dieticians have mentioned, these changes may or may not be due to the chlorophyll since it can be difficult to specify whether benefits are derived from the chlorophyll alone or the fact that I was drinking more water.
Either way, I recognized that a supplement like chlorophyll can be a helpful tool that gets you to start consuming more water. And it's a great alternative to drinking other sweet or canned beverages like soft drinks or processed water enhancers with fake flavoring.
Does Chlorophyll Help Skin?
After 1 week: My skin has definitely improved and looks brighter and clearer. Again, perhaps that can be attributed to a boost in my overall water consumption, but I had a facial, and instead of it leaving my skin inflamed, I was actually glowing, which may have something to do with chlorophyll’s magical wound-healing properties. (Although for better skin and wound healing benefits, they say you should apply the chlorophyll topically.) Finally, by the end of the week, my digestion started running like a well-oiled machine, which made me feel like I was absorbing the nutrients from my food better, leaving me feeling less bloated, and with more energy. I also noticed my eyes looked clearer, or more rested, so I will be continuing this ritual of reaching for yet a glass of chlorophyll water.
Would I keep taking chlorophyll after the first week was over? Yes!
The thing that immediately drew me into the trend was its simplicity. Besides purchasing the liquid chlorophyll, all you have to do is add it to your water. This was especially appealing to me since it's so much easier than juicing. Compared to a recent trial of drinking celery juice every day, which involves purchasing bunches of celery, taking out my hefty juicer, juicing for many minutes, and of course, cleaning the juicer, just adding chlorophyll drops felt like a breeze. Plus, first thing in the morning, chlorophyll water mimicked that same detoxifying sensation that I got from celery juice.
Bottom Line: Drinking Chlorophyll Water Helped My Skin and Gut.
Not only did chlorophyll help regulate my digestion, but also upped my water intake, and even had a positive effect on helping my skin clear up, so I now feel I can go makeup-free on Zoom calls. I’ll definitely be finishing my bottle of chlorophyll, and most likely will buy another.
For more plant-based recommendations, check out The Beet's product reviews.
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